The novelty, innovation, discreteness, and acceptability of marijuana vaporizers have all been listed as possible reasons why the devices have become so popular. In addition, while smoking marijuana continues to be associated with illegality, vaping is seen as a more mature form of consuming cannabis.
The legalization of recreational marijuana has also spurred companies to innovate and experiment with new product categories. This has led to an explosion in new cannabis products that have moved away from typical combustion.
Not only have vaporizers taken off, but things like super-concentrated THC, edible products, as well as the introduction of non-intoxicating alternatives like cannabidiol (CBD) have all brought new consumers into the market. As these new consumers are never-users of cannabis, they are wary of consuming it via traditional methods like smoking, so vaporizers are seen as an acceptable alternative.
What Is Holding Back the Vaporizer Market?
The study pointed to the continued illegality of recreational marijuana in many countries as a possible impediment to growth. Illegality coupled with the relatively high costs of premium devices will prove challenging to growing the market. The vaporizer market continues to be a niche market that is accessible only to those with higher incomes.
This is why the current market is dominated by high-end companies whose products have much higher price points than second-tier producers and manufacturers. However, with the explosive growth of alternative cannabis products, consumers also realize that they can consume cannabis more cost-effectively than purchasing a luxury vaporizer.
High-end vaporizers remain a coveted consumer product that is set to only increase in popularity. More countries are expected to ease or eliminate laws against recreational marijuana use, so the market for them will only expand. Companies are getting ready for this expansion by reinvesting profits in research and development to offer the most affordable products to a larger demographic.