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 SMOORE is the richest vape company in the world

SMOORE is the richest vape company in the world

Chinese vape manufacturing giant Smoore became a publicly traded company on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange last year, launching the biggest initial public offering on the HKEX. The IPO raised more than $900 million from investors before the stock began…

 Why have marijuana vaporizers become so popular?

Why have marijuana vaporizers become so popular?

The novelty, innovation, discreteness, and acceptability of marijuana vaporizers have all been listed as possible reasons why the devices have become so popular. In addition, while smoking marijuana continues to be associated with illegality, vaping is seen as a more…

 More than 2M US teens use e-cigarettes

More than 2M US teens use e-cigarettes

More than 2 million US teens say they use e-cigarettes, with a quarter of them saying they vape daily, a new national survey finds. Even with many middle and high school students home because of the pandemic, the survey found,…

 Will NY ban Delta 8?

Will NY ban Delta 8?

The controversy surrounding Delta-8 comes from the fact that it has intoxicating properties. Even though Delta-8 is extracted from hemp plants and not marijuana plants, it still gives users a slight euphoric “high.” Delta-8 started to become popular after the…

 Vaping is not just a small risk for coronavirus

Vaping is not just a small risk for coronavirus

On Tuesday, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine published a study which may confirm the fears of parents and doctors across the nation. Vaping is not just a small risk for coronavirus. Among teens and young adults who…